I watched my daughter turn circles across the kitchen floor. Every so often she’d spin a little too fast, her feet would trip up, and she’d fall. But as soon as she felt herself going down, her hands were ready to brace for the fall, she’d lift herself up, and go right back to spinning.

It made me think of my first ultrasound before she was born. From my view of the monitor, it looked like she was turning somersaults in my belly. My baby girl moved so much the technician said she was the most active baby she’d ever seen. And I was just nine weeks pregnant.

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost two years since that ultrasound.

I may be more tired and less active than I was before I got pregnant, but there’s such beauty in new life.

So I want to breathe new life into everything I do this year and make revitalize my one word for 2015.

It took me a while to land on the word, but its sentiment has been resting in my heart since the new year began.

I want so much to restore the energy I lost last year and find the drive to move forward with a new vitality. I want to write more, be more active, and become a stronger, healthier, more confident version of myself.

I want to read more books and find solace in community in a way that revitalizes my faith. I want to remember what it was like to have a seemingly insatiable thirst for the living well. And I want the quenching of that thirst to help take my faith to a new level.

I want to make it more of a priority to spend alone time with my husband. I want more date nights, and I want to put more effort into the little things I can do to show him just how much I love him.

I want to revitalize my home, and turn it into a reflection of my family’s real life. I want there to be symbols of our love and creativity littered throughout each room. I don’t want to get caught up in having the perfect decor to make the most amazing backdrop for an Instagram or blog post photo. Instead, I want things to be practical, lived in and loved.

After all the change last year took so much out of me, I think the prospect of revitalizing what once was is exciting.

Do you have one word or philosophy you’re focusing on this year? If so, what is it? If not, what would yours be?

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